All You Must Understand about Talcum Powder Lawsuits from Scratch

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Mass Tort, Talcum Powder Lawsuit

All You Must Understand about Talcum Powder Lawsuits from Scratch

1970 witnessed the time when researchers started conducting surveys on asbestos in talc-based products. As per the research, using these products could result in fallopian tube cancer. Additionally, it could also lead to mesothelioma, ovarian cancer, and more.


The talcum powder lawsuit claims, as of January, is linked with cancer. So, you should understand the lawsuit before you hire an attorney. On that note, this post highlights the basics of talcum powder lawsuits.


Introducing Talcum Powder – Previous Benefits of Using These Products


It was during the 1900s when the cosmetic world embraced talcum-based baby powder introduced by Johnson & Johnson. The product was manufactured for young children and women. As claimed, the powder would absorb moisture and reduce friction in sensitive areas. The powder was also used for reducing skin allergies, rashes, and dryness.


Outlining the Negative Side of Using Talcum Powder


Until 2006, talcum powder was used rapidly, with Johnson & Johnson making yearly profits. However, a claim was filed (between 2006 and 2009) against talcum powder. As per the claim, a woman developed ovarian cancer. So, Johnson & Johnson offered a confidential settlement of more than one million as compensation.


Johnson & Johnson recalled 33,000 bottles of Baby Powder after the samples were found to have asbestos in 2019. J&J still denies the liability. It reportedly states that it didn’t sell products believed to cause cancer.


However, the company stopped the sale of talc-based baby powder in North America in May 2020. It switched to the cornstarch-based alternative last year and discontinued talc-based baby powder in 2023.


As of January 2024, J&J reportedly agreed to the settlement of $700 million. It comprised more than 40 U.S. states following the talcum powder marketing. This settlement does not directly affect individual talcum powder lawsuits. However, it could change future case filings. It might indicate that J&J knew about the connection between talc powder products and cancer.


Highlighting the Connection between Talcum Powder and Cancer – What Should You Learn?


Do you understand the link between cancer and talcum powder? If yes, you must first differentiate talc-based products containing asbestos and those that don’t contain it. Talc, which comes with asbestos, is considered to result in cancer. It might cause cancer in the following ways:


Lung cancer


A few studies of talc miners & millers suggest that there’s an increased risk of respiratory diseases, including lung cancer. However, there’s no increased risk of lung cancer reported with the usage of talcum powder.


Ovarian cancer


Talcum powder may result in ovarian cancer if it travels through one’s uterus and fallopian tubes and reaches the ovaries.


Other cancers


People can get stomach cancer and pleural mesothelioma. Note that pleural mesothelioma is cancer occurring in the lining surrounding your lungs.


When to Consider a Mass Tort Litigation?


Mass tort litigation is a case where a few people who are injured or harmed by the same product in similar ways file the case. Contrarily, in the class action, more than one person acts as the class representative and pursues the lawsuit. However, in mass tort litigation, each pursues the case separately.


Mass tort claims are managed together, but every case is filed individually. The best part is in mass tort litigation; the cost may be shared. That means an expert may give an opinion in a particular case. The same argument can be used in different cases.

So, the cost is spread out over various cases. So, the injured party can pursue a mass tort case due to the lower cost. If you want to choose mass tort litigation, it’s time to hire a proficient mass tort cases lawyer.


Are you the right candidate to file against the Talcum Powder Lawsuit?


Here’s the list of candidates that qualify for the talcum powder lawsuit:


● You or your close one has ovarian cancer/Invasive Fallopian Tube Cancer
● The candidate must have used the powder daily within four years minimum
● You must have dusted the genital area with this powder
● You should have a positive biopsy showing evidence of talcum powder
● You have earlier developed genetic disorder to ovarian cancer like BRCA 2 gene or BRCA 1 gene
● The diagnosis should have occurred post-2005 (or a surgical pathology report will also do)


So, you have learned the role of a lawyer in talcum powder mass tort cases. Now it’s time to hire a seasoned mass tort attorney for the talcum powder lawsuit. Your attorney should have years of experience and a track record. A proficient expert works punctually to help you win deserving compensation for your case.