Chemical Hair Relaxers About to be Banned in 2024: What you Need to Know

by | May 12, 2024 | Hair Relaxer

chemical hair straightener lawsuits

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced plans in October 2023 to potentially ban products containing formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing chemicals. This proposed ban is a significant step towards protecting consumer health, following growing concerns about the safety of these widely used hair care products.

The proposal came just one year after yet another study found an association between ingredients in hair relaxers and an increased risk of cancer, specifically uterine cancer.

For decades, consumers have endured life-altering and fatal illnesses linked to beauty products, despite a mountain of research pointing to serious health risks. The upcoming ban on hair relaxers containing harmful chemicals is a long overdue step, but we can also say it comes far too late for countless victims who trusted the manufacturers. 

In this blog post, we will talk about what this Federal Ban means for chemical hair relaxer lawsuits and also how to file a lawsuit if you were a victim of these products.

The Federal Ban: What Comprehends

The official proposal to ban chemical hair relaxers with formaldehyde will take effect in July 2024. Given the number of products on the market today that contain the known carcinogen, the industry may experience significant changes in the coming years.

Some states have already taken the initiative and banned products containing these chemicals (formaldehyde). However, it takes time to remove the ingredient and replace it with something else, so manufacturers in these states have a deadline to meet the new requirement. Their products will be taken off if they cannot find an alternative to formaldehyde.

A ban on formaldehyde-releasing chemicals in hair relaxers is a step in the right direction; however, this raises the big question: Are there other harmful chemicals in hair relaxers? This has made consumers more concerned and angrier than ever, making chemical hair straightener lawsuits a serious issue to address.

Hair Relaxer Lawsuits  Will Continue 

Chemical hair relaxer lawsuits are exploding as evidence connects these products to serious health issues like cancer. These lawsuits allege manufacturers not only failed to warn consumers about these risks but also misrepresented the safety of their products. 

These product liability cases could become incredibly costly for the defendants, forcing the industry to prioritize transparency and potentially leading to strict regulations. There are currently thousands of hair relaxer lawsuits filed against major retail brands like L’Oreal. It is expected the first trials to occur in late 2025 and early 2026.

In general terms, the ban on formaldehyde in hair relaxers is likely to increase the ongoing lawsuits. While the initial surge of cases may have tapered off, new filings are expected to rise over the next year. Consumers are increasingly being aware of the potential link between chemical straighteners and devastating health issues like uterine, breast, and ovarian cancers, along with reproductive problems. 

Public awareness grows each day, fueled by the possibility that these illnesses could have been prevented without exposure to these dangerous chemicals. This growing knowledge base could significantly strengthen existing lawsuits and lead to a wave of new filings.

Who is at Risk?

Due to Western beliefs and beauty standards, chemical hair relaxers are more commonly marketed to and used by Black and Latina women. As a result, women in these demographics are suffering health issues from using these products regularly at a young age. 

Many hair relaxers contain parabens, formaldehyde, bisphenol A, metals, and other harmful ingredients. Several Investigations have shown people who use hair relaxers are at risk of absorbing these carcinogenic chemicals through the scalp. 

Victim of Chemical Hair Relaxer? We can help you!

As the hair relaxer MDL progresses and cases continue to be filed, the ban may lead to quicker and even larger settlement offers to plaintiffs. It also supports the notion that there are valid concerns regarding this topic and the use of hair relaxers.

Dangerous product lawsuits are complex, but the right legal representation can ensure victims’ rights are protected and companies are held liable for failing to ensure the safety of consumers. Here at People for Law, we can help victims get justice for the suffering incurred. 

Anyone who has used chemical hair relaxers and developed an illness associated with these products should contact us as soon as possible to evaluate their case and take legal action.