Hair Straightener Claims and Their Alleged Harmful Effects

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Hair Relaxer

Hair Straightener Harmful Effects

Hair straighteners have been around for more than 100 years. Within minutes, these chemicals can straighten curly hair. But now, more than 100 lawsuits have been filed in the US against the companies that produce these straighteners. L’Oréal’s U.S. subsidiary and the makers of other hair straighteners are named in the lawsuits. Brands include Dark & ​​Lovely, ORS Olive Oil, and Motions.

Complainants claim the products contain dangerous chemicals that can cause cancer and other health problems. They also allege the companies knew this but marketed and sold the products anyway.

If you have used this type of product and have been diagnosed with uterine cancer, you can meet the requirements to file a chemical hair straightener lawsuit. Contact People For Law immediately to review your case.

Link Between Chemical Hair Straighteners and Cancer

The first lawsuit was filed days after the National Institutes of Health, a U.S. government biomedical research agency, published a study in October 2022.

Experts investigated a potential link between the use of hair straighteners and uterine cancer. They were following barely 34,000 participants for more than ten years. In that time, 378 cases of uterine cancer were diagnosed. The study found that people who used straighteners more than four times in a year showed a higher risk of developing this disease.

The authors say that researchers “estimated that, by the age of 70, 1.64% of women who never used hair straighteners would develop uterine cancer. But for frequent users, that risk rises to 4.05%,” she added.

What Are Phthalates?

Phthalates are a group of organic compounds used in plastics and other products. Cosmetics, detergents, household cleaners, food packaging, and other items contain phthalates. There is a serious concern that phthalates may be endocrine disruptors, meaning substances that can interfere with the body hormones. Phthalates have also been linked to a variety of health problems, including asthma, ADHD, and developmental delays in children.

Many of the chemical straighteners and relaxers potentially linked to uterine cancer contain phthalates.

Do Phthalates Cause Cancer?

There is growing evidence that exposure to phthalates may contribute to certain types of cancer. Studies in mice have shown that chemicals that mimic estrogen structurally can cause tumors. Some studies also have shown that phthalates can cross the placenta, affecting the developing fetus.

These results suggest that phthalates might contribute to some types of cancer, including uterine cancer, in both people and animals.

Health Problems Caused by Chemical Hair Straighteners

Hair straighteners, sometimes referred to as chemical hair straighteners, have been linked to several types of cancer. This has been the reason for numerous chemical hair straightener lawsuits filed across the country. Among the health problems caused by these products are:

Uterine Cancer

There is significant evidence from studies that chemical hair straighteners can increase the risk of cancer, especially after prolonged use. Scientists are still gathering more concrete evidence about these products and uterine cancer. Many experts believe that women who use them regularly are at much higher risk than those who use them infrequently.

Breast Cancer

There is a possible link between chemical hair straighteners and breast cancer. The Sister Study found that the higher population at risk of developing breast cancer are black women who used chemical hair straighteners. The study also found that the longer a woman used chemical relaxers, the higher her risk of developing cancer.

The exact mechanism by which these chemicals may increase the risk of breast cancer is unknown. Still, researchers theorized that they may disrupt the normal development of breast tissue or cause hormonal imbalances in women.

Ovarian Cancer

Although research is ongoing, chemicals contained in certain hair products and chemical relaxers are linked to ovarian cancer. Women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using certain hair relaxers may qualify for an ovarian cancer lawsuit or claim.

Uterine Fibroids

There is increasing evidence linking the use of chemical hair relaxers and straighteners to the development of uterine fibroids. Fibroids are noncancerous tumors that develop in the uterus and are a leading cause of hysterectomy in the United States.

Black women are especially prone to developing fibroids, and the use of chemical relaxers is thought to be a contributing factor. Relaxers contain chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin and disrupt the normal functioning of the reproductive system. This leads to the development of uterine fibroids.


There is a possible link between chemical straighteners and endometriosis, although research is inconclusive. Some studies suggest that chemicals in relaxers may mimic hormones that promote the growth of endometriosis. There is also evidence that these chemicals may damage the lining of the uterus, making it more susceptible to endometriosis.

Preterm Delivery

There is much speculation about a possible link between chemical hair straighteners and premature births or low birth weight babies. Several studies have shown inconclusive results linking chemical straighteners and hair oils with known endocrine disruptors to premature births. However, they have not yet established a definitive link.

What is known is that these products contain chemicals that can affect the uterus and the endocrine system. This is why some women who use them experience premature births or low birth weight in their babies.

If you experience any of the symptoms associated with any of these types of cancer, consult your doctor or obstetrician. It is also advisable to consult your attorney. You may be entitled to compensation in a chemical hair straightener claim or lawsuit.

Can I File a Chemical Hair Straightener Lawsuit?

At People For Law, we have years of experience handling cases where large corporations’ negligence has harmed the masses. Our attorneys specialize in mass tort lawsuits and are ready to help you with your case.

If you believe you have developed any of the diseases mentioned above due to chemical hair straighteners, call us today. One of our experienced attorneys will evaluate your case and help you file a claim if you qualify.