The debate surrounding the safety of baby formula has intensified due to recent lawsuits. Parents in Florida and across the USA are questioning how a product meant to nourish infants could pose significant risks. Despite warnings and legal challenges, baby formula...
What Started the Toxic Baby Formula Lawsuits? Consuming baby food contaminated with heavy metals hampers neuro-developmental disorders. Till date, major baby food brands like Beech-Nut, Gerber, Sprout Foods or Plum Organics have failed to demonstrate rigorous testing...
Why Are we Seeing so Many Toxic Baby Formula Lawsuits? Recent years have found us getting concerned about widespread infant health problems and toxic baby formula foods get the focus. Evidence is aplenty that support the presence of harmful ingredients in the...
Not represented by another law firm for an acetaminophen-related claim.
Representative is the mother of the child.
Child is under the age of 18.
Mother took acetaminophen-containing products during the second trimester or third trimester of her pregnancy.
Child has been diagnosed with one of the following types of autism:
Autism Spectrum Disorder or is suspected to have Autism Spectrum Disorder and is willing to obtain a formal diagnosis.
Asperger’s Syndrome
Kanner’s Syndrome
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Not Otherwise Specified (PDD NOS)
Autistic Disorder
Mother suffered one or more of the following complications during pregnancy: Gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, or an infection and related fever that required the mother’s hospitalization.
Child is diagnosed with one or more of the following: Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, or Tuberous Sclerosis.
Mother used one or more SSRI drugs (commonly prescribed antidepressants) while pregnant: Citalopram (Celexa), Escitalopram (Lexapro), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), Sertraline (Zoloft).
Mother used any of the following substances while pregnant: Alcohol, any illegal drugs, including marijuana and tobacco.
One of the child’s parents is diagnosed with autism.
Mother was over age 38 at the time of birth.
The biological father must be 45 years or younger at the time of birth.
One or more of the child’s siblings is diagnosed with autism unless the sibling also satisfies this intake criteria.