The Catastrophic Impact of Baby Formulas in Preterm Babies – Things to Note

by | May 6, 2024 | NEC Lawsuit

Baby Formulas

Just as a mother’s touch comforts a newborn, mother’s milk protects infants from diseases and keeps them healthy. However, for preterm infants, taking birth before 34 weeks may impact their health. They need more than just mother’s milk. That’s why formula milk gives nutritional support to infants. 

Formula milk has several benefits, from ensuring weight gain to facilitating bone growth. However, if only the big brands manufacturing formula milk understood their significance, they would have brought better variants into the market.

That way, premature infants would not have a higher risk of developing NEC. However, brands like Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson failed to meet customers’ expectations. This is the reason there are so many claims against their baby formulas. As far as reports are concerned, Similac and Enfamil have higher risks of developing NEC in preterm babies. 

If your baby has suffered the consequences, you can contact an NEC lawyer to file the lawsuit immediately. This post provides a better understanding of the symptoms, eligibility criteria, and other details.

The Link between Preemie Formulas and NEC

Necrotizing enterocolitis, or NEC, is a severe gastrointestinal disease that affects premature infants. The life-threatening condition may involve inflammation and intestinal issues resulting in tissue injury. Negligence can further complicate the disease, and it may result in fatal consequences or, at times, death. 

Now, you may ask how preemie formulas affect the baby’s intestine and result in NEC. Well, bovine milk-based infant formulas can have higher risks of NEC. Feeding premature infants with cow-based formula may inflame their bowels and rupture and leak bacteria. As a result, abdominal cavities in infants are present. 

The first NEC lawsuit came against Abbott Laboratories in November 2021. According to the claim, the consumption of preemie formula manufactured by Abbott resulted in a child’s wrongful death who was just two years old. Following this, more lawsuits appeared against Similac (by Abbott). As of March this year, there have been 405 active baby formula pending lawsuits under U.S. District Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer.

Top Symptoms of NEC in Preterm Infants

Premature or underweight infants are fed with Enfamil and Similac baby formulas. If you or your close one’s baby has been suffering the same consequences resulting in NEC, it’s time to consult an NEC attorney. The following symptoms assess the severity of the disease. The doctor may suggest medication or surgical treatment following the diagnosis. Let’s find out the symptoms from the below-offered points:

Issues in Tolerating Consumptions

Newborn preterm babies may experience feeding intolerance along with abdominal issues and yellow or green vomiting. It’s the most warning symptom indicating something wrong with the infant’s intestinal system. 

Changes in Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

NEC might result in fluctuations in the heart rate and blood pressure. At times, infants may suffer from bradycardia (heartbeat is slowed).

Bloody Stools

Another warning sign is blood in the infant’s stool. The blood might be dark red or tarry in color, indicating intestinal bleeding and severe injury. 


If the infant suffers from NEC, lethargy, and fatigue might reduce their activeness. As a result, the preterm baby becomes lethargic and experiences feeding intolerance. 

Abdominal Tenderness

The infant’s abdomen may become distended, tender, and firm. This is caused by excessive gas or fluid in the intestine, which results in pain and discomfort. It’s another dangerous symptom of NEC.


Temperature fluctuation is quite common for preterm infants suffering from NEC. It indicates infection and inflammation associated with necrotizing enterocolitis.

Other symptoms include the following:

  • Breathing issues 
  • Diarrhea with bloody stool
  • A lack of weight gain

So, if you have observed any of these symptoms in your preterm infant, consult the medical team. Additionally, if the child gets diagnosed with NEC, it might be because of consuming baby formula. Don’t leave the matter unattended. Get in touch with a competent legal advisor to understand the filing process. 

Eligibility Criteria to File for a NEC Baby Formula Lawsuit

Early detection of NEC may be less severe. On the other hand, if it is in the latter stage, the infant may experience fatal consequences. So, besides getting medical attention, it’s time to file the NEC lawsuit. Now, how do you know whether you qualify or not? Here’s a brief on its eligibility. Discover what qualifies you for the NEC baby formula lawsuit. 

Your Infant Fed Preemie Formula 

You can file a case against the formula manufacturers if your child was fed the supplement while in the NICU or neonatal intensive care unit. Alternatively, some hospitals recommend feeding babies with the bovine-based formula at home. If your child has developed NEC for this reason, you can file an NEC lawsuit. Note that there are various breast milk substitutes and formulas by the NEC formula lawsuit. They include Similac and Enfamil products manufactured by Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson, respectively.

You are a Mother, Father, or Guardian of a Preterm Infant Diagnosed with NEC

If the child’s mother expired after delivery and does not have a father, you might be the guardian. In such a case, you can file for the case. Alternatively, a parent (either the mother or father) can also file an NEC lawsuit against the manufacturer of the cow-based milk formula. Note that your child should be diagnosed with gastrointestinal disease after consuming the formula. This will help the lawyer establish the case with valid reports and evidence. 

Tips on Hiring a Solicitor for NEC Baby Formula Lawsuit

As a guardian or parent, you have all the right to fight for what you and your infant deserve. Even if it has resulted in the tragic death of the preterm, you can file for the case to fight for the infant’s justice. Hiring a mass tort NEC attorney is the best way to get deserving compensation. Ensure you ask these things while appointing the legal professional for the case:

  • Ask about their experience and get their case reviews to comprehend their knowledge in the field.
  • Discuss what you can expect.
  • Ensure that the law firm has a successful record.

Seek consultation from a legal advisor who can treat your case with urgency and sensitivity. Get in touch with the practitioner today and start working on the case. Don’t forget to gather your proof of evidence and other details so the attorney can work meticulously. So, with the help of a solicitor, you can fight for justice and win deserving financial compensation.