You’ve likely heard about the recalls and issues surrounding Zantac, also known as ranitidine. Perhaps your pharmacist or doctor has cautioned you about the medication. The truth is that this drug has been under scrutiny for its potential side effects for years. Finally, regulatory authorities have taken action to remove the drug from the shelves, highlighting the health risks associated with it.
Zantac was pulled from shelves by the FDA after an independent lab, Valisure, found cancer-causing NDMA. Consuming NDMA at these high levels can cause several types of cancer and organ damage. Therefore, the risk to the population justified the removal of all ranitidine products from the market.
Following multiple individual and mass tort lawsuits and related investigations, the FDA officially issued a complete recall of all forms of the medication.
There are pending and inevitable future cases awaiting their day in court. It remains to be seen how victims of the drug’s dangerous complications will fare, both in health and reward. If you have suffered illness or medical complications after a history of using Zantac medications, remember that legal help is available. Call People For Law today. We’re here to take your call immediately and provide you with the information and advice you need regarding your Zantac lawsuit in Florida.
What is Zantac (ranitidine)?
Zantac is an over-the-counter heartburn medication that has been widely available since the early 1980s. For the first 20 years of its development, it was available only by prescription. Eventually, it became available over the counter in pharmacies and health supply sections of stores like Walmart, Target, and more.
The medication was formulated to treat acid reflux and heartburn by reducing the amount of acid produced in the stomach. The medication was also recommended and given to people struggling with other stomach conditions, like Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome and Gastroesophageal Reflux.
Often referred to and sold under its chemical name, Ranitidine, Zantac is a medication known as a histamine-2 blocker. It is manufactured and delivered to consumers through some companies such as Sanofi US Services Inc., Blake v. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Pfizer Inc. All these companies are facing ongoing Zantac lawsuits in Florida and other states. They have a role and responsibility in the production or transfer of Zantac to consumers who end up fighting cancers such as breast or bladder cancer.
How was NDMA discovered in Zantac?
Although ranitidine has been on the market for decades, high levels of NDMA in the drug were only recently discovered. Valisure made initial findings in 2019 and reported them to the FDA. The FDA then reviewed Valisure’s claims and investigated to confirm the presence of NDMA in Zantac.
Once unsafe levels of NDMA were confirmed, the FDA issued a recall of all ranitidine products. This includes tablets, syrup, capsules, and injectable forms of the medication, both in over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription strengths. Since the recall in April 2020, Zantac has been removed from the market in all 50 states. There are no current plans for its re-approval.
The Relationship between NDMA and Cancer
The FDA made its decision to remove Zantac from shelves due to the risk to public health. NDMA is a known carcinogen that has been shown to cause cancer in animals. There is good reason to believe that it may also have a similar effect on humans.
Some cancers and health conditions that may be linked to NDMA exposure include:
- Stomach cancer
- Esophagus cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- breast cancer
- Lung cancer
- Liver cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Hepatic injury
- Kidney damage
- And many others
If you or a loved one has taken Zantac and developed one of these conditions, it’s crucial to understand that your illness may be linked to NDMA exposure. In such a case, it’s highly recommended to consult a mass tort lawyer to evaluate your Zantac claim and understand your legal rights.
Talk to your Doctor
Visit your doctor to discuss your concerns. Let the medical professional know your history with Zantac and ranitidine, as well as any unusual symptoms you may be experiencing. Your doctor can then evaluate you for any NDMA-related illnesses and recommend that you see a specialist.
It is essential to maintain a good, orderly medical history. Your lawyer will collect all this information and use it to build your Zantac lawsuit case in Florida.
Your doctor may also recommend alternative medications that may help you control your stomach acid without Zantac. There are still other acid reflux medications on the market that have not shown dangerous levels of NDMA. One of these may work for you. Of course, these medications come with their warnings, so be sure to discuss any medication changes with your doctor.
You may also want to change your habits to reduce your stomach acid without medication. Eating slowly and eating softer foods can help reduce your chance of heartburn and acid reflux. Not exercising or going to bed immediately after eating can also provide relief.
Work with a Lawyer from Our Firm
While receiving the necessary medical care, you do also obtain legal guidance on seeking compensation for your losses. An attorney from People For Law can clarify your rights and assist you in recovering damages to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact us today to schedule your consultation to learn the reasons behind Zantac’s recall.