Risks Associated With Chemical Hair Relaxers

New studies have linked chemical hair straighteners to increased risk of uterine cancer. If you have been affected, contact People for Law to learn about your rights and how we can help.

A study published in the N.I.H. in October 2022 disclosed that women using chemical hair relaxer products several times a year had more than twice the likelihood of developing uterine cancer. Furthermore, It has been found that black women are more vulnerable due to their frequent use of chemical relaxer products. People of color usually use chemical hair relaxers every 4-6 weeks, so long-term use is typical. They also tend to use hair straightening products at a younger age than other ethnicities. This has led to many women filing chemical hair relaxer lawsuits against trusted household names and giants in the cosmetics industry. A skilled Hair Relaxer Lawyer can help you gather the necessary evidence, negotiate a fair settlement, or take your case to trial if it comes to that.

Women who reported a weekly usage of hair products containing relaxer chemicals had a 43 percent higher risk of endometrial and uterine cancer vis-a-vis those who had never used such hair relaxer products. Studies also show that regular users of hair-relaxing products among people of color develop uterine and ovarian cancer at a much higher rate as compared to white women.

N.I.H. identified chemicals called “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals” (E.D.C.s) as the culprit in the hair straightening products. These E.D.C.s cause the formation of fibroids and cancers that mimic estrogen, overloading the body. Some of the chemicals used in hair products may be absorbed through the scalp and cause estrogen-like effects inside the body. Such hair products may also contain other chemicals linked to cancer, such as formaldehyde.

Typically, the products contain an alkali agent that disintegrates the sulfide bonds in the hair, which causes the strand to flatten and become easier to comb. A hair protein, Keratin, is sensitive to changes in the pH level, on which the effectiveness of a chemical hair straightener depends.

How Can Hair Filing A Straightener Uterine Cancer Lawsuit Help Me?

Chemical hair relaxer products increase the risk of uterine cancer and other health hazards with long-term or frequent use. If you or a loved one were diagnosed with uterine cancer due to chemical hair straightening products, you may be eligible for significant compensation for your losses.

Filling a chemical hair relaxer lawsuit allows you to claim compensation for the various financial or otherwise losses you have incurred. The exact amount will be determined after factoring in:

  • The extent and severity of injuries sustained from hair relaxers.
  • Total medical expenses, including past, ongoing, and future.
  • Funeral expenses in case of loss of life.
  • Economic and punitive damages.

A well-known recent instance of consumer action is the #NoMoreLyes petition, which demands that leading brands stop using lye as an ingredient in their products, as a study has indicated a linkage with breast cancer risk. The petition asks for greater transparency regarding chemical safety in hair relaxers and calls for these brands to conduct safety research.

People for law: A lifeline for P.O.C.s

Over fifty hair straightener uterine cancer lawsuits have been filed in federal courts across the U.S. over chemical hair relaxer products that claim to straighten textured hair permanently.

The litigation centers around the fact that hair relaxer products contain phthalates, including di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate or other endocrine-disrupting chemicals (E.D.C.s).

Such products increase the risk of developing uterine fibroids, uterine, ovarian, or breast cancer, endometriosis, or other injuries to the reproductive system. Cancer settlement statistics reveal that uterine cancer is among the most expensive cancers in terms of treatment cost. It is even possible to sue a doctor for failing to diagnose uterine cancer caused by a chemical hair relaxer. The compensation award for uterine cancer settlements is, on average, about $2 million.

At People For Law, our expert team of Hair Relaxer Attorneys stays updated on the latest research so that we can provide evidence-based product liability advice to our clients. We can help families with our recommendations and with their compensation claims for defective or dangerous products like chemical hair relaxers. Get in touch for a free consultation. We undertake such chemical hair relaxer litigation on a contingency fee basis, which involves no upfront fees. You only pay if we win your case.