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NEC Lawsuit : Fighting for Justice

You have the right to seek compensation if your child developed NEC from consuming a bovine milk-based formula. People for Law can help you file an NEC lawsuit and receive the compensation you deserve.

Countless parents and medical care providers in America rely on baby formulas to ensure that prematurely born or underweight infants receive the necessary nourishment. However, studies have shown that infants fed certain Similac and Enfamil formulas are at an increased risk of developing NEC.

NEC is a gastrointestinal condition that primarily affects premature or underweight infants, causing the death of the intestinal tissue. It has a fatality rate of up to 50%. The inflammation of the intestine caused by this condition can lead to perforations that result in the leakage of bacteria into the bloodstream or abdomen. It can lead to severe illness or deadly infections.

If your child was born premature or underweight at birth and was fed baby formula exclusively and not a combination of breast milk and baby formula, developing NEC, and as a result, you may be eligible to file an NEC formula Lawsuit.

What is Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)?

Necrotizing Enterocolitis is a potent fatal disease that harms premature infants. The bacteria invade the interstitial wall, resulting in infection and inflammation. The bacteria damages and weakens the intestinal wall, leaking into the abdominal cavity. After a while, the lines of the baby’s intestines become inflamed, and parts of them start to die off. If not attended on time, NEC can cause a hole in the intestine, which can threaten infants’ lives. NEC partially or fully damages the baby’s bowel. The internal complexity reduces the oxygen supply to the infant’s vital body organs, causing permanent harm.

The disease is more common in premature babies who are fed baby formula than babies who are on breast milk. The exact reason behind NEC is not fully clear yet, but according to health experts, an imbalance in the babies’ gut microbiome causes harm.

The lifetime impact of NEC on infants can vary based on the seriousness of the disease and whether the baby needs surgical intervention. The long-term implications include short-term bowel syndrome and development delays

Causes of NEC 

The direct cause of NEC is inconsistent, and the outcome can be different by child. The additional factors that can add to NEC include –

  • Cow/Bovine milk-based formula
  • Inadequate blood flow to the intestine after birth
  • Underdeveloped intestine
  • Bacterial intestinal infection
  • Babies who have received blood transfusions
  • Intestinal damage

Premature babies on the same baby formula respond and react to the disease at the same time. NEC is not infectious, so it implies the harm caused by the consumption of baby formula. 

Bovine Milk and Its Effects 

According to doctors, the rapid growth of feeds in premature babies increases the chances of NEC. Infants develop NEC after being on cow milk. Similac or Enfamil can cause premature babies NEC as they contain cow-based milk. The formulas are rich in iron and additional lactose to make it easier for infants to digest. Years of research have found a connection between cow milk formulas and Necrotizing Enterocolitis in premature infants.

And, there was no warning on these products that baby formulas other than Enfamil and Similac might be safer options for premature kids.

NEC – Symptoms and Detection 

NEC symptoms cover abdominal distention, metabolic acidosis, food intolerance, food residuals, fatigue, jaundice, constipation, diarrhea with blood, vomiting, changes in body temperature, weight loss, and breathing trouble. It is much needed to identify the symptoms to start immediate treatment. Babies, with prompt diagnosis and treatment of NEC, can live normal lives without complications. 

In the initial phase, the pediatrician can diagnose NEC in a baby based on clinical observation. In addition, diagnostic tools such as abdominal images, blood tests, and cultures can also detect the disease. 

NEC – Treatment and Cure 

When a baby is diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis, the doctors immediately stop oral food consumption for the baby and administer strong antibiotics. Nutrient supply continues until the infection moves away and the baby is completely healed. In some rare NEC cases, intestinal tissues decay and die. In such cases, surgical interventions are necessary to cut off the dead intestinal tissues. NEC surgeries may lead to short gut syndrome and other intestinal complications.

Toxic Baby Formula Lawsuit Updates

The toxic baby formula lawsuit addresses serious health risks linked to certain cow’s milk-based baby formulas, including Similac and Enfamil. These formulas have been associated with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a life-threatening gastrointestinal condition, particularly in premature infants. Families claim that manufacturers failed to adequately warn parents and healthcare providers about the risks, leading to severe harm and, in some cases, fatalities.

Recent updates from January 2025 highlight the ongoing evolution of this legal battle. The NEC multidistrict litigation (MDL) has seen a rise in cases, with 632 lawsuits filed, including six new claims this month. Bellwether trials are scheduled for May 2025, which will provide insight into potential outcomes. Meanwhile, significant jury verdicts have already been awarded, including $495 million to a family in St. Louis and $60 million in Illinois, reflecting the gravity of these allegations.

Families affected by toxic baby formula are seeking compensation for medical expenses, emotional distress, and other damages. These lawsuits aim to hold manufacturers accountable for their alleged negligence in failing to warn about the risks of NEC.

If your baby has developed NEC after consuming cow’s milk-based formula, pursuing a toxic baby formula lawsuit may provide justice and financial relief. Consulting a qualified attorney can help you explore your legal options.

Who is liable in a NEC baby formula lawsuit? 

Numerous mass tort cases have been filed against bovine milk-based baby formula manufacturers, Abbott Laboratories, and Mead Johnson & Company. Products manufactured by these two companies have been discovered to cause NEC in premature and underweight newborns.

Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson & Company marketed their baby formula products as safe and even beneficial for premature or underweight infants. You may be entitled to claim damages against these companies and file a lawsuit against baby formula if your child has developed NEC after being fed any of the products listed below: 

Abbott Laboratories 

  • Similac
  • Similac Alimentum
  • Similac Alimentum Expert Care
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier Concentrated Liquid
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier Powder
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier Hydrolyzed Protein Concentrated Liquid
  • Similac Special Care
  • Similac Special Care 20
  • Similac Special Care 24
  • Similac Special Care 24 High Protein
  • Similac Special Care 30
  • Similac Liquid Protein Fortifier

    Mead Johnson & Company 

    • Enfamil
    • Enfacare Powder
    • Enfamil Premature 20 Cal
    • Enfamil Premature 24 Cal
    • Enfamil Premature 24 Cal/fl oz HP
    • Enfamil Premature 30 Cal
    • Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier Acidified Liquid
    • Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier Powder
    • Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier Liquid High Protein
    • Enfamil Milk Fortifier Liquid Standard Protein
    • Enfamil NeuroPro Enfacare
    • Enfamil 24 and DHA & ARA Supplement

      Parents can sue doctors who have prescribed or approved Enfamil or Similac baby formula for their infants. Medical malpractice cases are subject to different statutes of limitations. Consult experienced NEC lawyers at People for Law if you believe you have sufficient grounds to join the litigation. We will analyze the feasibility of your NEC formula Lawsuit for free.

      In Florida, medical malpractice victims can file a claim against the healthcare professional within two years from the date of the injury or from the date the injury has been discovered.

      Enfamil, Similac, and Other Baby Formulas Linked to NEC Risk 

      Similac (manufactured by Abbott) and Enfamil (manufactured by Mead Johnson) are the two most common cow-milk-based formulas associated with Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
      Similac and Enfamil formulas belong to similar product lines containing different supplements to meet the specific nutrition needs of preterm babies.

      As mentioned earlier, both manufacturers have been drawn to lawsuits. The parents filed a premature baby formula lawsuit claiming that the brands caused their preterm babies to develop gastrointestinal disease, and the risk was not warned from the doctors’ or organizations’ end.

      Distinction between the Date of Injury and the Date You Discovered It 

      You must know the dates of when the damage happened and when you discovered it. The formula might have damaged your infant earlier, but you did not realize it until later. Florida NEC lawsuit Statute of Limitations allows the distinction but only to a point. The state does not permit you to file the claim if it’s over two years from the date of injury.

      Who is Eligible to File An NEC Lawsuit? 

      Similac and Enfamil could not warn consumers of the risks associated with the products and their impact on premature babies. Parents whose kids were diagnosed with NEC after being on the baby formula can file lawsuits to secure the NEC lawsuit payout.

      According to the NEC lawsuit Statute of Limitations in Florida, if your child was on Similac and Enfamil by a healthcare organization, you must provide the name of the hospital and its location to your attorney. In case you fed your baby a Similac or Enfamil product after your baby was discharged from the hospital, and later you find out the loss, the receipt will do. The parents must keep the product receipts, cash memos, and formula packaging boxes for evidence to show up before the court through the premature baby formula lawsuit.

      Our baby formula attorneys check and review NEC lawsuits for children who

      1. Were on Similac and Enfamil Formula
      2. Had premature birth
      3. Were detected with NEC 

      In most of the cases, the NEC lawyers accept the involvement of surgeries to treat NEC or wrongful death claims in case the child could not survive.

      How to Prevent NEC? 

      Parents must stop Bovine milk consumption immediately for their babies. Medical professionals and healthcare organizations might recommend your baby bovine-based formulas. You should ask about the risks associated with NEC. If cow milk is a threat, request a formula not made from cow’s milk. Ask for a full review of your kid’s nutrition plan. Parents can also opt for human fortifiers or other similar products that are equally healthy alternatives to cow milk formula.

      The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that infants must be exclusively breastfed for 6 months. It can be beneficial for your child in the future, and the upsides include,

      1. Secretion growth hormones
      2. Boosted immune system
      3. Reduced blood pressure level

      Why NEC Lawsuits Claim Higher Trial and Settlement Amounts 

      In all NEC settlements, doctors and hospitals were accused of not warning consumers of the product’s potential risk. The defendants in medical malpractice cases are usually sympathetic. The doctors make honest confessions; therefore, the chances for punitive damages become small in most of these cases.

      Often during the trial, NEC baby formula attorneys for the children and their families claimed that the manufacturers of Enfamil and Similac did not alert the doctors and parents as it could reduce their profit rate. High amounts of compensation and fair punitive damage awards are paid to the victims in lawsuits against baby formula before they head to court trial.

      What Is the Most Important Factor to Consider in NEC Lawsuit Settlement? 

      The NEC cases are paid with the highest settlement value when the baby needs constant care for their pain and suffering at present and also in the future. The economic cost of lifetime care for many of these kids counts up to millions of dollars.

      In an unfortunate case where the child dies of necrotizing enterocolitis, it comes under a wrongful death claim. It is awful for the parents to lose their baby just because no one warned them that the baby formula their kid is consuming is fatal.
      In cases where the child endures pain and distress to a greater extent but fortunately recovers from the life-taking disease, the compensation amount can still be high. The baby formula NEC lawsuit compensation can range between $50,000 and $750,000, depending upon the damages.

      Our attorneys speculate the potential settlement amount in the NEC baby formula lawsuits. The case type is new. These are only calculated estimates. More insights are yet to come.

      NEC Formula lawsuits

      How Long Does the NEC Lawsuit Take to Settle?

      The NEC infant formula case is in its initial phase. Our dedicated attorneys believe that Enfamil lawsuits and Similac lawsuits are serious concerns for the manufacturers. The manufacturers are at risk of large verdicts that will drive high settlement compensation as NEC lawsuit payouts.